[1] Flip the bird to Exxon, Chevron, Esso, Shell and the rest.
[5] More reasons comes from Jim Motavalli, expert NYTimes writer. See if you agree.
Feeling the heat. The imperatives of climate change mean we’ll have to stop burning fossil fuels, especially coal and oil. The Copenhagen talks did not produce a binding agreement, but trust me on this — one is coming. The successor to the Kyoto talks will be much tougher, and we won’t make the numbers without putting millions of zero-emission cars on the road.
Oil peaking. We may or may not have already reached global oil peak — the point where oil demand exceeds oil supply. The worldwide recession suppressed demand and gave us something of a breather, but the numbers on oil demand (especially from China and India) in the next decade are completely unsustainable, and everybody knows it.
The smart grid. We’re just starting to optimize our antiquated electric system, but the way forward is clear. Utilities are partnering with automakers to enable the easy charging of millions of EVs at night without adding new plants. Off-peak electricity production and transmission capacity could fuel the daily commutes of 73 percent percent of all cars, light trucks, SUVs and vans on the road today if they were plug-in hybrids, a 2007 study by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory found. What’s more, solar car charging is becoming a reality, and that means a 100 percent zero-emissions loop — the answer to any critic who says that EVs get all their power from dirty coal plants. Even today, with 52 percent of U.S. electricity generated by coal-fired power plants, Plug-in America reports that EVs reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and most other pollutants compared with conventional gas or hybrid vehicles.
The better mousetrap. EVs, on the road starting next year, will be better than gas cars in every way. Forget the idea that they’re slow, or that you won’t be able to get where you’re going. I’ve driven every EV, and all of them were exciting on the road. Every carmaker is building one, and they know it will be a very competitive market demanding excellence in engineering. BMW tells me that the consumers test-driving its Mini E plug-in quickly got over their “range anxiety.”
Plugging in. You’ll have a charging station at home, at work and at play. Starbucks and McDonald’s will have them, and so will the big-box store down the street. Car charging will become ubiquitous — offering you $3 and $4 electrical fill-ups. Some retailers will even offer 15-minute fast charging free to get you in the door. [ Jim Motavalli ]
Much of No. [5] plug-ins, all ready exists in Sanfrancisco and Vancouver B.C. has passed bylaws that make auto-plug-ins mandatory in all new construction.
Remarkable, how quickly things are changing. TG
Click on the picture for a full screen look at the Coda.
The 1906 antique above is also an Electric Vehicle. What's new?
Norway firm to produce from new Indiana factory.
Only a comment because I doubt they will succeed.
"Think, which was in bankruptcy proceedings until August, starting making a small electric car in Finland recently. It has a range of 112 miles on a charge and will cost about $37,500 when it comes to the U.S. It will be eligible for a $7,500 tax rebate. Its lithium-ion batteries will be U.S.-made."
In my view, the style is not classy enough to warrant the high selling price o $37K or $29.5K after rebates. TG
A little reward for you. . .
Nokie Edwards is a guitar wizard. Ever heard of the Ventures? TG
Hi Tony,
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and best wishes with yours.
I don't know whether Peak Oil is a valid theory or not, so I don't know whether alternate fuel sources for vehicles will be spurred by a shortage of liquid hydrocarbons.
But if you imagine yourself in the middle of the 19th century with whale oil lamps, then you learn that this newfangled petroleum stuff can give you lamp oil that is cheap, just as clean, and available all year long, well, you could easily leave the whale oil behind. And 150 years later it would turn out that the oil companies saved the whales, back then. Go figure.
This is a roundabout way of saying that when the time is right, the world will change fuels. You are on the right track with this blog.
Best wishes
AGW credibility has been seriously damaged.Humans are not causing the sky to fall.
Electric is not practical for long trips, which people are taking more often because air travel is a nightmare, so I do not see a future.
Agreed; AGW is badly flawed.
Smog polluted cities are killing twice as many souls as car accidents do.
Solar flares, volcanoes and hydrogen bomb tests do shift climate.
The EV allows smog to clear, health care costs to moderate, wars in eastern oil kingdoms to ease off and use [even coal generated energy], at 60% more efficiency.
Forget AGW. An EV will run during a gas boycott, while an hybrid will NOT and save $400 in gas every month as well.
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