Friday, December 18, 2009

Electric Vehicle Frees you from Exxon, Chevron and Shell

SGKNKS878T9Y Technorati claim tag

Go Electric and dump the pump:

Electric or hybrid vehicles can get Big Oil bandits off your back and out of your wallet. Not to mention how they will also remove poisons and smog from the air we breath.

When you consider buying a used Prius or a new Honda Insight, be sure to calculate the saving of $60 to $120 you will not pay for gas or diesel fuel every month.

Consider also that the hybrid Ford Escape was fleet tested by Taxi firms in NYC and found to be both extremely reliable and profitable, due to fuel savings in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

[ Verify @ . . . search, 'Ford Escape']

The Toyota Prius has been out on North American roads for years now, yet I do not recall a single negative story in the media about persons stranded or any event of a vehicle fire.

A favourite theme by people who for one reason or another resent the trend to modern vehicles, is that batteries and our Canadian cold weather do not get along.

Not a valid argument. All vehicles have a starting battery and the vast majority work in the extreme cold as long as there is a decent charge in the battery.

During a radio interview here recently, [ ], Canadian testers of the new Nissan electric vehicle, [ due out in 2010 ], spoke to the effect of frigid temperatures on the car engine battery pack.

They stated that cold was not a factor at all. In fact, because the pack was larger than a standard auto battery, it held heat for long time spans and as power demand is held to only the top 20% of the energy capacity, there is little chance that cold can have much adverse effect.

Car of the year award for Japan this year goes to the new Honda Insight. Japan is very serious about bestowing that award. The Insight has been vastly improved since the earlier version and you can be sure it is both very reliable and a pleasure to drive.

It goes without saying that Honda Insight fuel economy is simply amazing.

PS: I am not a salesman for Honda or any other brand. I have a weakness for classy older cars that you only drive two or three Sundays per year.

[Click this beauty for a full screen look.]

Daily driving however, is best using an EV for many reasons. You buy gas for the generator only once every three months or so. If you live 60 kilometers from work or less, you will have the luxury of wondering if your gasoline is going stale. You contribute to clean air for everyone to breath, and you help reduce your grandparents monthly oil heating bill from $400 to a likely $90 or so. . . . eventually.

Please, [this is a new blog], be sure to click on the tiny word 'comments' and let me know if you think EVs are a good investment when prices get lower. Honda is selling the Insight new at around $19,000 to start. That seems a good starting point. Bet you could get a good used Prius for 9 - 10 K. Just think of all the ga$oline you don't have to buy.

Changes at Google, I can not sign into my two long-time blogsites, namely and

Hope to iron that out soon. In the meantime, take a look at the first blog especially. Some good stuff to know there like, 'hybrids need gas to go anywhere, but EVs can get around when gasoline is cut off.' Think before you buy. TG

1 comment:

TonyGuitar said...

Emergency and your cellphone:

Worldwide emergency on Mobile is 112.

Even out of your service area, that 112 number will use any existing services field to connect for you. The service sheet I got this from says it will work through a LOCKED keypad.